MYY. - Your world is not all correct

- tracklisting -

01 - Silent words

02 - For love that is not rewarded

03 - Summer

04 - Orbit of the wind

05 - Returning the hourglass


Media : Digital

Release Date : 10 February 2020



- About the Album -


2019年にCat & BonitoからCDリリースされたインストポストロックバンドMYY.1stアルバムのデジタルリリース。



MONOExplosions in the Skyといったバンドが持つエモーショナルな高揚感やドライブ感を持ちつつ、練り上げられた楽曲展開により独自のサウンドに仕上げられた秀作。


Digital release of instrumental post-rock band MYY.’s first full-length CD that was released on the Cat & Bonito label in 2019.


The introspective nature of the roaring sequences that merge and absorb the pure resonance of the subtle sequences compliment the delicately crafted timeless anthems. With an emotional drive and ecstatic sense of euphoria, similar to that of bands such as MONO and Explosions in the Sky, this full-length is a finely composed masterpiece with a profound and unique sound.